Missing Ramadhan

What is syawal to you? I guess it first depends on the age group you are in. Kids will view syawal differently as teens. While kids enjoy the monetary rewards, sweet treats and continuous play from house to house, teens, probably dread the visiting but they don't mind certain houses. They don't mind strutting in their new Eid outfits and probably looking forward for the gatherings with their schoolmates the most.

A few years back, I look forward to making Hari Raya memorable for my children, it is the house, the food, the matching Eid outfit, the gatherings, etc. A little bit of everything. 

Until I started to pay more attention to Ramadhan. The beauty of Ramadhan. I was surrounded by people who for once not chasing dunya but chasing for the rewards Allah is giving only in the month of Ramadhan. In the past, I used to see the terawih crowd started to shrink slightly after a week of Ramadhan. But not this year, or last year, Throughout the month, the mosque was always packed with people. I love the energy in the mosque, I love seeing people from all age group hurrying to the mosque. I love to see my Instagram feeds filled with young people helping out to prepare iftar in the mosques. Or those who spend the nights in the mosque so that they can help prepare for those who are starting their fast in the mosque after their qiyammulail. 

So when Syawal came around, my heart began to sink... knowing that I have to bid Ramadhan goodbye. Not knowing if I will be given the chance to see it again. Did the new Raya outfit waiting to be worn on the first day, able to make me feel better? Not really. I realised then that Ramadhan, with all the major Shaiyatin handcuffed, humans, by nature, love goodness. Wants to be good. Wants Allah's Al-Mighty blessings. 

Ya Allah, please help us remain steadfast in our prayers. May Allah accepts all our duas we did in Ramadhan, may He forgive all our sins and may He shower us with His mercy. 

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