For this blog post, I would like to seek all of your Help. Help to Reach out. Reach to people who are away from the righteous path. "But I too not the best person to do so." Neither are we all... Maybe it is hard for us to approach strangers but we can always start with those around us. Our nephews, nieces, neighbours, cousins, etc. Someone I know, did not observe fasting. When asked why, he said he just don't do fasting but he prays. He started getting agitated at my question and I could sense his hostility. Apparently, his dad doesn't fast as well. Before he hastily left, I apologized if my approach was wrong but I had a...
What fascinates me most in the book "The Last Kingdom" is when the Author revealed the reason why all the European superpowers rushed and competed among each other to claim their rights over the eastern territories. The Portuguese have once titled the Malacca state as the Venice of the east. Issues discussed include the reason behind the fall of the Portuguese empire during their attempt to colonize the state of Malacca. Is it due to their superior firepower? Well, this book reveals otherwise. The Malay once ruled the sea and has made them the force to be reckoned with...their weapons are comparable or even superior to the west. As history has not covered the real reason why Japan has decided to...
It was a tough decision to make because hijabxstyle was something personal to me. From the purchasing, to designing, packaging, etc. The failures were mine to embrace and the successes were for me to make sujood for. However, deep down, I wanted to do more than just solely business. So when my hubs approached me to collaborate, I relented this time. Yes, he did approached me before but I was not keen. So, being the chattier one (only when it comes to keyboard, I'm a warrior princess) between the two of us, you will see more of me I guess. Well, enjoy your stay in our cozy website. Of course we hope that you manage to find something that you...