Madu Honey Sticks Original

Diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari dari Aisyah ra. katanya Nabi SAW amat gemar makanan manis-manis dan madu. Rasulullah telah bersabda Barang siapa yang menelan (minum sedikit) madu tiga kali (di waktu pagi) setiap bulan, ia tidak akan terkena penyakit teruk" 

Madu Asli Paling Original dari Madu Lebah Asli yang dipakej semacam stick yang mudah untuk diambil pada bila2 masa, tidak rasa melekit di tangan atau gunakan sudu. Kerana ia mudah untuk diambil, dan kecil sahaja, boleh diletakkan dalam beg untuk kegunaan dimana sahaja. 

Benefits of Honey:

Honey Contains Some Nutrients

High-Quality Honey Is Rich in Antioxidants

Honey Is “Less Bad” Than Sugar for Diabetics

The Antioxidants in It Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

Honey Also Helps Improve Cholesterol

Honey Promotes Burn and Wound Healing

Honey Can Help Suppress Coughs in Children

Kids Eating Honey

The benefit of Honey for Children:

#1 Helps to Heal Wounds Quickly

#2 Honey is Good for Your Teeth

#3 Honey is Good for Young Children With Coughs

#4 Energy Booster without the Caffeine

#5 Builds the Immune System

Benefits of Honey

Here are a few ways you can replace refined sugar with honey:

  • Add honey to oatmeal for enhancing the flavour of the dish.
  • Instead of adding sugar, add honey to sweeten the milk.
  • Spread it on bread toast.
  • Mix yoghurt and honey to make a delectable side dish.
  • If your children like to have the smoothie sweet, you may add honey in it instead of sugar.
  • Spread honey on pancakes and waffles.
  • Use it as a flavouring agent or/and as a substitute for sugar in baked foods.
Honey Stick
Honey Stick
Honey Stick